Ride With Feel | Enroll Now
Get The PROVEN Step-By-Step Planner System I Use To Win In The Ring... And In Life
Imagine for a second what it would be like to...
Have your mind free enough to connect with your horse and truly ride with feel
Feel full of joy & excitement, never anxious or stressed, regardless of what is on your list of things to do
Experience a personal breakthrough and get the clarity you've been longing for
Are you headed in the right direction to achieve these kinds of goals?
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Let me tell you, when I started out, I didn't have a clue how to create the life I wanted.

I was constantly struggling with an all on or all off attempt at getting things done.

But I just ended up exhausted and feeling like nothing had moved forward...

All the courses, programs, and rando things I tried just weren't getting things under control.

I KNEW what it felt like when things just flowed — it was like being balanced, responsive and smooth in the tack.

But that feeling seem to come at random, and most of the time I just found myself stressed, anxious and angry that I couldn't seem to make progress or get organized, and so my rides were a wreck.

If I was going to continue riding... continue doing the thing I loved... I needed to figure out how to ride with feel consistently, because whatever I was doing just wasn't working.

I needed my rides to go well, so I could just chill my mind out!

Fast forward a couple years and it was actually my riding that unlocked everything. No more nerves. No more anxiety. And I was winning at every show.

What changed?

I learned how to manage my life in a productive way, so that I felt better in everything I did, which made everything I did...

So Much Easier.

But more on that in a second, first I want to ask you a question...

Where do you want to be next year?
Would you like to...
Feel focused in the tack, no longer weighed down by constant anxiety of all the other things in your life?
Think clearly enough to make a big decision like moving to the country or leaving a job you hate, to finally get the freedom to pursue your riding dreams
Have an incredible show season, placing every time out, free of the pressure to perform, having a blast all the way along
Just spend more time riding, because you love it and because everything seems to get better the more you ride, AND you're moving ahead in life?
All of those goals are realistically possible... if you have a plan on how to achieve them.
After personally coaching over 300+ riders, I can tell you one thing for certain...
Most Riders Don't Fail Because Of Their Riding
They fail because they struggle to let go of all the thoughts and feelings swirling around in their mind and only focus on becoming a better rider.

It's not their fault though...

I used to think this way too.

It makes perfect sense to think that if you keep improving in the tack that you'd feel less stressed, and winning would come more easily.

And if you could just win more consistently, you'd get your joy back, because you'd know that all the time you've spent was worth it...
Let's face it, you know when it comes down to it, perfect technique and more ribbons won't free you from a mind trapped by overwhelm.
Having clarity in your mind when you show (or do whatever you're doing!) is so much more than just being able to block out negative thoughts under pressure.

When you finally get your life and mind organized, two amazing things start to happen...
You feel calm more often (and you actually are more productive)
The rest of your life gets better (your riding, your relationships, your finances, your mental & emotional wellness... all of it)
What exactly is holding you back from feeling this way all the time? 
What's stopping you from knowing what you need to do next with confidence, on your own?
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Hi there, my name is Dr. Sam Fielding and in the last 20 years I’ve built a successful acupuncture business, was a Roxy-sponsored professional skier, and now have a multi-six figure coaching program that has helped hundreds of equestrians master their focus & energy to win inside the ring and out.

Now I want to show you how you can do the same, and it all starts with your mind.

But before we get to that...

I want to address some common myths riders have about organization and time management.

Myth #1: You have to keep lists and complete them daily
Myth #2: If you work harder and longer, you'll finally get it
Myth #3: There's a "Magic Bullet" that will instantly make things easier
Introducing The 30 Day Plan
How to organize your life for success
The 30 Day Plan is specifically designed to give you a roadmap to get your time back.

It is broken up very simply and step-by-step to show you how to manage what really matters to getting you to that dreamy state of knowing it's all handled.

So take a deep breath and start living your life again, without overwhelm, frustration, or guilt.

Over the next 30 days, I will take you through the Rider's Training Plan System

The first step is all about the critical Preplanning Mindset. This isn't just some boring planner that expects you to sit down without guidance, and then give up. I'm going to set you up for success, by making sure your mindset is clear even before you put pen to planner.

The second part is Overview and Terminology cause if you're not clear on how to use it, even the best system is going to let you down. I walk you through each section of how to set it up for yourself. And because you're going to get a PDF version, you can use it digitally or print it out! It's perpetual, so you won't need to get a new one every year, and you can jump in whenever you want to.

Then I'll show you how to truly Plan and Focus, on what you really need to focus on to move you forward. We look at big picture planning and then detailed planning, to make sure, you don't just while away the hours getting lost on social media. What a waste!

And last but not least, we'll tie everything together so you can reflect and improve with Weekly and Monthly Reviews that highlight your wins (which is super important!) and what you know you can do better, so you actually DO better and feel awesome!

Now, I know buying a course with a bunch of information and "lesson" can be overwhelming...

Which is why I created a step-by-step blueprint that will simplify things for you, and help you feel better right away, in a way that was designed for you, so it never lets you down.

You'll understand exactly what you need to be doing every day in order to see growth.

After you enroll, you'll immediately get access to my complete planning system on how to dream and organize and live the life of your dreams. All of the content is broken down into step-by-step system. After you complete a section, you'll know exactly what to do and move on to the next step. At the end of the 30 days, you'll have experienced a transformational breakthrough in your organization and in your life that you'll turn to for life!
Here's what real people are saying about my training...
Why this course will actually get you results...
The reason why most equestrian books & courses fail to get the type of crazy results you see from my students is because... they're just information.
Education & information alone isn't enough.
That's why when you join the 30 Day Plan I'll be guiding you through the process.

When you have the right mental state, things just work out, period.

Winners gonna win.

So let me ask you again...

Where do you want to be in a year?

Are you happy with where you’re at?

Follow up question...

What are you doing to change it?

Take a moment and think about where your riding and life is RIGHT NOW and where you want it to be 3 months from now...

...6 months from now

...a year from now.

And then ask yourself...

Do you want to do this on your own? Or would you like a guide to show you the way?

Someone who has been where you are and knows WHAT WORKS and what doesn't.

This course is a shortcut to learning what has taken me over 16 years of trial + error.

How much would the right system be worth to you?
Think what would happen if you:
Sat down knowing exactly what you needed to do, and thought clearly
Woke up daily with a sense of peace, joy and excitement, knowing you didn't have to figure out what fire you needed to put out?
Could turn on a professional level of focus & concentration as easy as flipping a light switch, and just get sh*t done?
That would be pretty life-changing, right?
Check out what happened for my student when she enrolled to work with me...
Sam! I'm ready to get started
I want you to win!

You deserve to win.

I have seen first hand what can happen when you make an incredible shift doing what you love. Getting back to the joy of riding has completely changed my life and the lives of those I work with.

I get to ENJOY my riding. I get to ENJOY my family. I get to ENJOY waking up each day.

I have seen first hand what this system has done for the riders I have coached, when they have a plan. 

That is why I share this work daily on social media

That is why I offer live mentorship for people that really want results

That is why I created this course for you
Fast Start Discount
SAVE $696
  • Mindset for Success training ($248 value)
  • The Rider's Training Plan course  ($497 value)
  • FREE BONUS The Rider's Training Plan PDF ($49 value)
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